Laden Evenementen
Dit evenement is voorbij.

On 22 September 2022 we will organize the third meeting of a series of AIRTuB (Automated Inspection & Repair of Turbine Blades 2019 – end 2022) meetings during this year.

In this seminar you will be informed with respect to the current and future crawler-based and other contact-type inspection devices for offshore wind turbine blades. You will be able to meet system developers, maintenance service providers, asset owners and researchers.


12:30 Walk-in lunch with demo’s in “de Kaap”

13:15 Welcome and opening & Zephyros AIRTuB update: Ferry and/or Jeroen

13:30 Block 1: Presentations

  • Martijn Koelers, LM Windpower – Blade Maintenance Future; A glance into the crystal ball of wind turbine blade operation & maintenance
  • Jos Gunsing, HZ UAS/Scalda – Crawler development for blade maintenance
  • Koen Hermans, TNO – Open questions before we can make real impact with robotic based inspection and repair of rotor blades

14:30 Coffee/tea break with demo’s

15:00 Block 2: Presentations

  • Jan Cees Sabel, Fugro – Fugro developments in remote offshore inspection
  • Ayham Alharbat, Saxion UAS – Physically Interacting Maintenance Drones
  • Pawel Lesniewski, Mistras Group – Spider SA-semi-automated ultrasonic system for C-Scan data aquisition on rotor blades

15:45 Netwerk drinks with demo’s

The meeting takes place in our Fieldlab Zephyros Living Lab at “De KAAP” in Vlissingen.

Please register for this free of charge seminar below.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Vlissingen.



Registration form / registratie formulier

    Event: AIRTuB event ‘Crawler inspection of wind turbine blades’

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    Het bedrijf van wie u de uitnodiging heeft ontvangen *

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    Neemt u deel aan de netwerkborrel?

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