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Sensor networks for smart industry (industry 4.0 / industrie 4.0) and smart infrastructure are getting more and more essential. Real time information from ‘the real world’ to support decision making and control of vital processes will be an integral part of business processes. With Industrial internet, Machine to Machine (M2M) or Internet of Things (ioT) traditional boundaries disappear. The conference will give you insights into the latest applications and research in the field.

Focus topics:
Industrial Internet / Smart industry / Industry 4.0 (Industrial process control)
Smart infrastructure (from buildings to bridges)

Who should attend?

  • Management, business development, senior management in purchasing and ICT in Manufacturing | Maintenance | Infrastructure
  • Governmental organisations
  • Hardware manufacturers | Software manufacturers | System Integrators
  • Service Providers | Operators / ISP’s
  • Venture Capital / Financial industry
  • Engineering / Design companies
  • IP / legal and regulation bodies
  • Research Organizations
  • … anyone who sees potential in the application of sensors and intelligent sensor networks!
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