Looptijd project: 2023-2026
Dit project wordt uitgevoerd met Topsector Energiesubsidie van het ministerie van Economische Zaken.

For the Press release of Fieldlab AIRTub-ROMI please click here

The wind industry has witnessed a remarkable surge in the construction of offshore wind farms in recent years. As a result, the maintenance of wind turbines, particularly the inspection and repair of blades, has become a rapidly growing and critical activity. However, the current methods for Operations & Maintenance (O&M) are far from optimal, resulting in unhealthy blades in operation and demanding considerable effort from technicians who work under challenging and hazardous offshore conditions.

Two major challenges in today’s O&M of offshore wind farms are the lack of knowledge about the condition of blades and blade systems, and the difficulties involved in offshore inspection and maintenance work, compounded by the shortage of offshore wind energy technicians. These challenges not only hamper efficiency but also increase costs and reduce the overall performance and lifespan of the blades, which ultimately affects the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE).

In response to these challenges, Fieldlab Zephyros is proud to announce the start of the next phase on its AIRTuB roadmap (Automated Inspection and Repair of wind Turbine Blades) in the form of an ambitious project called AIRTuB-ROMI (Resident Offshore Monitoring & Inspection) aimed at revolutionizing the O&M landscape for offshore wind farms. The primary goals of this project are to develop automated and ‘resident’ systems that monitor and inspect wind turbine blades.

Project Goals:

In this groundbreaking three year project starting December 2023, AIRTuB will develop cutting-edge, automated systems designed to control the health of the blades of offshore wind farms. Building upon the technological advancements achieved in the AIRTuB 1 project, such as ultrasonic sensing and drone/crawler platforms, this project will further enhance and integrate these technologies into a resident system within offshore wind farms. The ultimate ambition is to refine, test, and demonstrate these innovative technologies in real offshore conditions and offer them as “AIRTuB as a Service (AAAS)” to service providers.

Project Outcomes:

The result of this groundbreaking project will be “AIRTuB as a service – AAAS,” which incorporates:

  • Sensor-in-blade monitoring solutions: Developed and installed to detect real-time events and damages, these solutions will track blade conditions, enabling the drone-crawler platform to prioritize inspections. Major damages will be identified before they lead to failures.
  • Drone- and crawler inspection platform: This platform, equipped with sensors, will have a maximum take-off mass of less than 25 kg and a base station for installation on offshore wind farm turbines. The platform will primarily focus on inspecting the structural health of the blades, including post-lightning strike inspections for cracks and delamination.
  • Inspections: The inspections will encompass a combination of ultrasonic and visual methods, ensuring comprehensive assessments of blade conditions.
  • Resident Drone-Crawler Platform: Designed to operate within the wind farm without requiring on-site crew, this lightweight platform will offer automated charging and flight capabilities, enhancing inspection efficiency.
  • Data Communication: The system will ensure seamless data communication within the wind farm and with the turbine operator.
  • Digital Twin Technology: Information from inspections will be assessed using digital twin technology to determine the severity of any damage, facilitating timely repairs.

Fieldlab Zephyros is poised to revolutionize the offshore wind energy industry with its innovative approach to wind turbine blade O&M, ultimately improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing the performance and lifespan of blades. By addressing the industry’s challenges head-on, AIRTuB’s AAAS will play a pivotal role in securing a sustainable and cost-effective future for offshore wind energy.

Participating organizations are:




For more information about AIRTuB’s revolutionary project, please contact projectmanager Ferry Visser, fv@worldclassmaintenance.com


Ferry Visser
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